early career |students, new grads, just starting out|
College performance coaching (for students)
Comprehensive skills assessment
Interview prep: Mock interviews, public speaking coaching and interactive feedback
Honest self-inventory: Ideal work environment, wake up time, zones of competence
Networking assistance
Resume makeover
Workplace social skills training
middle career |managers, specialists, analysts|
Leadership assessment
Employee feedback interviews and qualitative data collection
Managerial assertiveness coaching
Conflict resolution training
Negotiating for a promotion or salary increase
Realistic, time limited goal setting with accountability support
executive |CEOs, COOs, directors, entrepreneurs|
C Suite communication training
Identify self-limiting beliefs
Stress resilience
Senior leadership skills
Strategic forecasting
Confidence building
Decision making
Employee feedback interviews
Change Management
achieve career clarity, align your unique traits with your work, and build a fulfilling and satisfying career on your terms.